Thank you for your Interest in supporting the Knowing Foundation donations at any level are sincerely recognized and gratefully accepted.
The Knowing Foundation has several contributor levels to support individual programs, educators, media and visual artists that promote cultural understanding literacy and education.
Wisdom Keeper $25,000+
Provides a cross platform support for programming on the Affinity Media Network to include Native Media Network, Tibet Media Network, Feminine Media Network, Health & Wellness Network. Donors will receive institutional credit for their support as well as a daily PSA spot across all platforms for their support and organizational affiliation.
Media Platform Matron/Patron $10,000+
Provides for a specific platform support on the Affinity Media Network.
Donors will receive institutional credit for their support as well as a daily PSA spot on the platform for their support and organizational affiliation..
Programming Matron/Patron $5,000+
Provides for a donor to support specific program development for individual educators, media and visual artists. Donors will receive credit for their sponsorship every time the program airs as well as a daily credit for their support.
Project Donor $1,000+
The donor becomes a benefactor for specific projects, exhibits, books, videos that promote the Knowing Foundation charter. Individuals will be granted funds to support their projects.
Donors will be credited for their support of the project every time the project is aired, exhibited or published.
Contributing Donor (Any Amount)
The Donor will receive credit on donors page, preferred status for Affinity Media discounts and a monthly newsletter of projects and events by Knowing Foundation grantees.
Funding commitments may also be made by contacting.

Harmon Houghton
Knowing Foundation, 823 Don Diego, Santa Fe NM 87505
– Telephone | (505) 989-9590